Saturday, June 17, 2006

One person CAN make a difference

One person CAN make a difference. Despite the staggering numbers - over 40 million people currently are living with HIV/AIDS, 15,000 people a day become newly infected, in some countries nearly one third of the population is HIV positive - there is hope. Paul Farmer and Partners in Health (PIH) have shown that small groups can dramatically improve the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS in resource limited settings. By addressing the underlying causes of disease, such as basic healthcare, education, and the empowerment of women, PIH has made a difference in Haiti, Peru, Russia, and other regions of the world. Of course, all of us can't form an international healthcare organization. But all of us can do something. Every individual can contribute in some way. Every individual can make a difference.

For more information about Partners in Health, visit their website at

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